
How to choose OS for a dedicated server

When we think about what to choose as an operating system for our server the choice most often falls on a few platforms, it is Windows or Linux. Since time immemorial there have been continuous wars, which one is better than Linux or Windows. Today we want to analyze what is the best operating system for a dedicated server. Let's begin!

Jun 10, 2022
Benefits of Using Dedicated Server Hosting

While a Virtual Private Server is a step ahead from Shared Hosting, we can state that a Dedicated server is always a step ahead from the VPS. We’ve gathered 7 interesting points that can show what kind of benefits you can receive when you decide to switch to Dedicated Hosting. Let’s go!

Jun 10, 2022
Differences Between Dedicated, Shared, and VPS Hosting

BlueServers presents an ultimate guide on what are the differences between Dedicated Server, Shared Server, and Virtual Private Server. Grab some coffee and prepare for a 5-10 minute read. Some of the positions might seem similar but this is a deceiving feeling. Anyway, let’s get started.

May 20, 2022
What is RAID and what are the different RAID modes

When companies want to build fault-tolerant server infrastructure they cannot do it without RAID arrays. Using one HDD as a storage device is not safe, since every other piece of machinery has a chance to break right in the middle of work, at the most inconvenient time. What should companies do if they lost all the data? Backup you might say, and you are right, but retrieving lost data from backup is a long process. That’s why people have invented RAID arrays, so the data keeps being operational at all times.

Apr 7, 2022